Sunday 24 June 2012

Kawaii.... Seibu Elementary School

Kawaii means cute in Japanese and it is a word that is used soooooo often!!  But the students at my elementary school really are so sweet... I absolutely love teaching there!

Favourite thing about my Elementary school
This has to be a tie between the adorable children and the freedom to be able to teach in my own way. Unfortunately I only teach the 5th and 6th graders at this school, which means I don't get to teach the tiny 1st or 2nd graders. Which I should probably be grateful for because as adorable as they might be.... I can imagine it being hard to explain games or new words to children so small. At this school my Japanese English Teacher plans the lessons and then gives me the plan to teach. This was great at first, but I have started getting frustrated with the game choices, and it had become more of a joint task which suits much better :).

Least favourite thing about Elementary school
It is very hard work at this school, as it really is go go go .... but as it is only twice a week, I enjoy that, and am happy to be so busy, so I think my least favourite thing would be that I haven't got to know any of the teachers. My Japanese English Teacher is really nice,  and she helps me with cooking recipes, deciphering what bills are, and general Japanese life. Apart from her though, I don't really speak with anyone else. Now that I am getting more confident with my Japanese, I am trying to approach them, even if it is just to talk about something boring, so hopefully, eventually I can change this.

This is the interactive whiteboard that makes teaching a lot more fun and interesting as I can show videos, pictures and maps which the students love!
I finish teaching at 2:45 yet have to stay at school until 4:45 so I use this time to decorate the classroom and make teaching materials... here are some pictures of my English classroom:

Also here is a photo of one of the first grade classrooms:

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